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Get 70% off my Target Like A Pro mini course and start making more sales from your paid ads.

Stop spending your hard earned money on underperforming Facebook and Instagram ads.

Get your paid ads directly into the newsfeed of your dream customers so you can watch your products sell themselves.

Interested? Keep reading.

Only $27. Normally $97

Let me show you how to set up your cold traffic and warm retargeting audiences in ads manager the right way.

This is the only time you'll see this offer. Get 70% off my Target Like A Pro mini course.

Target Like A Pro

An insanely easy and actionable self-paced mini course that will put your ads in front of the right people at the right time and have you making more sales in no time.

$97 $27


For a limited time only


When my client Abby came to me with ads that were unprofitable, I knew we needed to look at her campaign and audience set up.

Abby had been running ads for a while now but she felt like she was throwing money down the drain. Her ads were bringing traffic to her online store but the ads just weren't profitable.

“FB ads don’t work!” She declared.

Before she threw in the towel, here’s what I told Abby:

It could be as simple as building out your ad funnel with the correct audiences so that you're putting appropriate messaging in front of the customer for where they're at in their buyer journey.

You see, Meta has an enormous amount of data about its users. From their likes and dislikes, who they follow, where they shop and the types of content they like to interact with when they're on Facebook and Instagram.

It means advertisers can tap into this vast bank of data to tailor their ads to different types of audiences.

Now Meta don't publish all of the audience options that are available or make it easy to build out custom audiences. But with the right know-how it's actually quite easy, effective and repeatable to build different types of audiences.

And that’s how you make your ads more profitable. By setting up different types of audiences and grouping together in certain types of campaigns to maximise the results and profitability of your ads.

It took just 30 minutes to show Abby how to build out her cold traffic and warm retargeting audiences, which ones to group together when and how to add them into different types of sales campaigns.

Abby's cost per result dropped by a whopping 47% in the next 30 days and she felt confident enough to start scaling her campaign budgets.

Hi, I'm Casey Allen

I'm the founder of Blush Social and a passionate digital marketer, who has been in your shoes.

Having founded my own successful e-commerce business, and ad agency, I "get it". Wearing all the hats, trying to make your brand stand out in a sea of competitors while keeping up with the ever-changing digital landscape is a LOT.

That's why I'm here to take help you make the most out of your paid advertising, utilising it as a strategic tool in your marketing suite to build awareness and loyalty, increase sales, and ultimately transform your brand into a highly profitable one.

What? How?

Audiences. Are. Everything.

Who you deliver your campaigns to are the backbone of effective ads.

Delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time is essential to converting your dream customers into paying customers. It's how you achieve your goal of running profitable and scalable paid ads on Facebook and Instagram.

Setting yourself up for those coveted five figure months starts with ensuring your campaigns are set up correctly in the first place.

Set your ad campaigns up with the right audiences and it’ll pay off. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do together in Target Like A Pro.

This is your opportunity to turn your under performing ads into a selling machine that runs on autopilot, making you sales while you sleep.

Target Like A Pro

Let me show you how to get your paid ads directly into the newsfeed of your dream customers so your ads can convert like crazy.

Step By Step Video Tutorials

I'll share my screen with you and show you where to find each of the settings and audit them step by step.

Live Examples From Inside Ads Manager

Forget learning theory. I'll be taking you behind the scenes of a live ad account to learn real actionable strategies.

Lifetime Mini Course Access

You'll have lifetime access to these videos, so you can pause, repeat and watch them again whenever you need.

Here's what you'll learn...

Target Like A Pro

In this mini course, you’ll define your dream customer and set up your audiences in ads manager. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Tools to help you discover who your dream customer is, what they're interested in and how to find them when using paid social media
  • Who to target (and when) throughout the different stages of the customer buying journey
  • Target your dream customers based on their demographics, interests and behaviours (where talking some serious stalker level stuff here!)
  • Let Facebook to do the hard work for you and find new customers who look like your existing raving fans
  • How to retarget your existing audiences including your email list, social media followers, website visitors and more!
  • Hot tips like the ideal audience size, what audiences to exclude, how to target multiple countries and more!
  • Step by step video tutorials on how to set up your audiences, where to go in ads manager to do it and what buttons to press (and not to press!) when loading them into your campaigns

Join now and get instant access to this bonus training!

Bonus #1 - Sales Campaign Set Up

Learn how to set up a Sales Campaign from start to finish with your new audiences.

Watch over my shoulder as I show you the complete process of creating a campaign inside of Ads Manager, focusing on the sales objective, including setting up the campaign, ad set, and individual ads from beginning to end.

(Value = $124 included inside this Target Like a Pro mini course)

Who's This For:

The online store owner who has set up their ad account but hasn’t started running ads because they're not sure where to start.

The online store owner who has tried running ads but they didn’t work so they turned them off before they found out why.

The online store owner who is seasoned at running ads but has been using the same audiences for a while now.

Don't waste another cent on ads being delivered to the wrong people.

  • How to get your ads in front of the right people at the right time in their buying journey
  • Tips for finding new interest-based targeting options that match your dream customer
  • The best performing retargeting audiences for when you want to make money fast!
  • Plus a bonus module that shows you how to set up a sales campaign from start to finish

Get it today for:

$97 $27


"I just wanted to say thank you again for this course. The videos are so thorough! I had to re-watch the training a few times to make sure I was in the right spot but managed to get that done in under 30 minutes. I'm going to turn my ads back on tomorrow. Can't wait to see the results!"

- Amanda

Still Got Questions?

Target your dream customers. Get them to your online store. Then convert them into paying customers.

If you're ready to learn how to target like a pro and make more sales, then sign up today!