Get $20 off SET UP FOR SUCCESS and start making more sales from your paid ads.

It’s time to fix your account before your run another Facebook or Instagram ad.

All from tweaking these back end settings.

Interested? Keep reading.


Let me show you where to find and update the ad account settings that are impacting your sales.

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Set Up For Success

An insanely easy and actionable self-paced mini course that will fix your ad account settings and have you making more sales in no time.

$27 $7

For a limited time only

When my client Ally came to me with an ad account that wasn't getting many sales, I knew we needed to look at her back end set up and check that the tracking was correct. Ally had never felt confident to find and check these herself, instead just hoping they were set up properly.

We could see people were clicking on her ads but according to ads manager they weren’t taking action when they got to her website.

“FB ads don’t work!” She declared.

Before she threw in the towel, here’s what I told Ally:

It could be as simple as updating your settings so that your website and ads manager can share more accurate information about what your customers are doing when they reach your online store.

You see, back in 2020 Apple rolled out the iOS 14 update to give customers more control over their personal information and what is shared with advertisers, like Meta.

The privacy updates were great for Apple users but it was a different scenario for advertisers.

It meant advertisers could no longer rely solely on the pixel to track website events that are crucial for reporting, optimisation and retargeting audiences in ads manager. They’re the three aspects crucial to the profitability of your paid ad campaigns.

Since then, Meta have introduced a series of new features to support website event tracking. But like most things with Meta, they don’t make it easy for you to find and update these crucial settings. Once updated, your ad account can get around these tracking issues.

And that’s how you make more sales without doing anything more than checking that your Ads Manager, Meta Pixel and Commerce Manager are seamlessly connected to maximise the results and profitability of your ad campaigns.

Using these steps, we audited Ally’s ad account set up which went on to start showing more accurate conversion data. She felt so confident in her ad account that she set up a retargeting campaign which generated over $10,000 in sales.

It took just 30 minutes to audit and fix her ad account and her ads started selling on autopilot.

Hi there, I’m Casey Allen.

I'm the founder of Blush Social and a passionate digital marketer, who has been in your shoes.

Having founded my own successful e-commerce business, I "get it". Wearing all the hats, trying to make your brand stand out in a sea of competitors while keeping up with the ever-changing digital landscape is a LOT.

That's why I'm here to take help you make the most out of your paid advertising, utilising it as a strategic tool in your marketing suite to build awareness and loyalty, increase sales, and ultimately transform your brand into a highly profitable one.

What? How?

Settings. Are. Everything

Your ad account settings are the backbone of effective ads. Without a properly configured ad account that is accurately tracking website events, the data you need to optimise your campaigns won’t be there. Making it impossible to achieve your goal of running profitable and scalable paid ads on Facebook and Instagram. Setting yourself up for those coveted five figure months starts with ensuring your ad account is set up correctly in the first place.

Set up your ad account right and it’ll pay off. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do together in SET UP FOR SUCCESS.


This is your opportunity to turn your underperforming ads into a selling machine that runs on autopilot making sales while you sleep.

Set Up For Success

Let me show you how to fix your account settings so your ads can convert like crazy.



  • The step-by-step process to create and install your tracking pixel on your website
  • How to add an additional layer of tracking using the Conversions API
  • The best way to test if your pixel and events are installed and tracking correctly
  • Where to connect your catalog so you can confidently display products directly from your website in your ads


The e-commerce store owner who has set up their ad account but isn’t sure they did it right so haven’t started running ads

The e-commerce store owner who has tried running ads but they didn’t work so they turned them off

The e-commerce store owner who is seasoned at running ads but hasn’t checked their ad account settings in a while and thinks they might need an update

Correct settings equals more sales.

Set Up For Success

  • Take your ad account from barely functioning to selling with just a few simple tweaks
  • The five critical settings you need to update so that your ad account can convert like crazy
  • Where these secret settings are hidden so you know where to find and update them!

Get it today for:

$27 $7


What business owners like you had to say:

"I just wanted to thank you again for this course. The videos are so thorough! I had to re-watch the training a few times to make sure I was in the right spot but managed to get that done in under 30 minutes. I’m going to turn my ads back on tomorrow. Can't wait to see the results." - Amanda

Get your account set up the right way so you can make more money.

If you’re ready to finally fix your ad account and make more sales, then sign up today!

Buy now for only $7. Normally $27